fact088 stress orphan / cincinnatus c. - "split" c20
the electronic equivalent of a doom/grind split. stress orphan brings the slow motion apocalypse of brutal low end harsh electronic crunch. while cincinnatus c. delivers high speed face shredding pedal fury.

fact087 contrarian - "the age of contrarian" c10
the worst. noisecore from dayton ohio, first "studio" recording. still sucks.

fact086 pcrv / developer - "split" c10
mt native pcrv delivers a track of tape calamity, sputter and hiccups. developer delivers a heavy dose of cut up electronics. another tape where the lines are blurred. an un-marked tape might actually be hard to tell which side is which.

fact081 ohio unsemble / josiah miller - "split" c40
recorded live at battery cages for a pedestrian deposit show the ohio unsemble unleash some serious silence! minimal quiet free improv from ryan jewell (percussion etc), jon lorenz (sax), and matthew reis (banjo etc). josiah miller is an ohio based guitar and string player/composer. his compositions mix world music instruments and an array of musical styles.

fact046 ab duo - "alembic" c30
the duo of eli caudill and matthew reis have been around since 1998 in one form or another(antennaeboy, ab, caudill/reis, etc), sometimes augmented by a third (meaning, some antennaeboy recordings) exploring various sound adventures. in the currant form of ab duo (see also caudill/reis) its still 100% improv as always, but it leans more towards a more high brow / academic end almost, there are still a few dick and fart jokes, but gone are the faux rock songs, the experiments with drone, the jazz weirdness. they have elevated to a higher plan of mostly acoustic free improv focused on extended technique.
ordering and shipping:
tapes are $5 each, shipping is $3 first item $0.30 each additional. your package will not go out with out the shipping fees. overseas please get in contact below:
questions, comments, PAYMENT (paypal), etc to : factotumtapes@hotmail.com
still available: (running low on most of these)
fact042 contrarian / meth lab explosion c20
fact043 potier. - "irreparable" c20
fact044 obsessive thought patterns - "spoken eclipse" c60
fact045 deceiver / clavicula salomonis c10
fact046 ab duo - "alembic" c30
fact052 hostage pageant - "a study in self-deprivation" c20
fact053 footbinder - "ep2" c20
fact054 aperiodic - c30
fact056 explosive improvised device - "embrace self defeat" c30
fact057 skin graft & collapsed arc - "shadow self" c20
fact062 ames room - "full illionois jacquet" c60
fact061 developer / being - "split" c20
fact065 orgasmic response unit / developer c20
fact066 developer / sorcerer torturer c20
fact067 water torture - "the developer remixes" c10
fact069 hyrrokkin - "astrionics" c30
fact070 patio slang - "surface politics" c60
fact071 parched earth - "kadian" c20
fact075 jason zeh / developer - "split" c30
fact078 developer / mass comm - "split" c20
fact080 developer group - "dayton / cleveland board meetings" c10
fact081 ohio unsemble / josiah miller c40
fact082 steve french / contrarian c10
fact083 roadside picnic - "the idiot / siren" c40
fact085 developer / filth c20
fact086 pcrv / developer c10
fact087 contrarian - "the age of contrarian" c10