These recordings use a lot of the ideas expressed on “objects of metal and tape” and was sort of the warm up session for that release. made these for 2009 summer mini tour, edition of 25. SOLD OUT!
FACT004 TEETH COLLECTION "oddities" c40

A collection of random tracks that got bumped off of other releases for time (a 20 + min epic), just never had a home (two 10min + pieces) or just didn’t fit with any other release (a totally fucked up found tape from a hotel). junk yard covers to compliment the junk yard sound. made these for 2009 summer mini tour, edition of 20. SOLD OUT!

Recorded for a short east coast tour, Zeh lays down a brilliant tape composition, EID rip yr fact off with super dynamic harshness, Ceparski brings the downer vibe with a blackened doom synth piece, Teeth get all delicate with metal. Co-released by Eye Wish Arts and Community Collage. edition of 50. SOLD OUT!

Tape one is two sidelong collabs recorded in Nicholasville KY in 08 of doom laden heavy drone, factory scrapes and ghost moans. Tape two is one solo track each. Lay’s side is like scrapping sounds from the insides of a coffin, muffled by a dark cloud of depression and hate. Teeth’s side is a study in anxiety. edition of 50. SOLD OUT!
FACT007 ALISTAIR CROSBIE "the suntrap" c30

Scottish electro-acoustic composer Alistair Crosbie delivers “the suntrap”, a single track that wraps around both sides of the tape with a slowly evolving glacier like drift, the process building up and collapsing in on itself over and over. edition of 30 SOLD OUT!
FACT008 ADRIEN BARBOBOTT "amazon woman" c30

Former atl now cali knob twister Kristen Calvares brings the pain on “amazon girl”, face shredding blistertonics with a side of mucky garble! Fuckin awesome. Kristen was also a short term member of the Laundry Room Squelchers. edition of 30 SOLD OUT!
FACT009 TEETH COLLECTION "objects of metal and tape" c60

all sounds made from amplified metal objects and magnetic tape of prerecorded sounds of amplified metal objects, and a minimal amount of effects and editing were used. Mixing elements of musique-concrete, electro-acoustics, and improv techniques, all of which have been explored on past teeth collection releases, but never brought to the for front as on this release, it also sees bit of a departure from the early industrial / doom drone sound as of releases like “Putridity and Liquecense” edition of 100. SOLD OUT!
FACT010 A SNAKE IN THE GARDEN "hypnocil" c30

Grimeology guy Matt Mayer’s new nightmare! The crumpled, crackling organ drone at the beginning is just to lull you to sleep… then all the things that go bump in the night come out in the form of heavy electronics and feed back systems that peal the skin off yr face. Side B is the epic “Hypnocil”, a slow moving composition of glorious beauty. edition of 30
FACT011 SWAMP HORSE "obsidian" c20

Ky duo of Josh Lay (solo/CADAVER IN DRAG) and Morgan Rankin (GNARLY SHEEN), both of HUSK records fame. In Josh’s words “by far the darkest thing we have released”, a mix of funeral doom, dark synth ambience, and creeping murky bleakness. edition of 30 SOLD OUT!
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